The babies are all grown up now and starting to lay.
Rooster is behaving more like a "gentle-man-rooster", taking a more careful watch and learning that falling leaves are just leaves and giving the girls his tasty finds.

September 29th 2013
Someone laid a "practice" egg off the roost. Just a tiny egg with no yolk. Don't know who but I am on the watch.
November 7, 2013
Eagle laid her 1st egg today!
Her eggs are a boring grey recycled paper color. Boo.
She knew just what to do thanks to the Red chicken. (I had to teach my 1st girls where to lay the eggs.)

November 25th, 2013
Fluffy lays an olive green egg!

December 1st, 2013
Tulley has a tiny, silky smooth, beige egg.
December 22nd, 2013
Hawk has a blue egg.
Yay Eggs!