Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Broody Pullet 1

Oh it is so too soon.
Anyone need some eggs hatched?

I was always hoping Nutmeg would be the one to brood since she is the runt and lays tiny eggs. So, if she went broody - not too much loss on the production line.

Well, here she is a year too soon. Sitting on absolutely nothing. Growling and puffing away.

Update -

  It lasted for 5 days and she got bored sitting on nothing and went back to join the fun.

She started laying  on the 15th so... about 1 week after the broody ended - she started laying her tiny little eggs again.


  1. So cute when they puff up and growl!!!! Anyways, It lasted for 5 days and she got bored sitting on nothing and went back to join the fun. Still waiting for her to start laying.

  2. Glad to hear she rejoined the troops. If I don't want my hens brooding, I hold them upside down by their feet so they can air out and cool down. It works half the time. Hopefully your hen will start laying soon enough!


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