"It's getting there." I quote, while gazing out over the landscape after another 8 hour day of hard labor.
Ugh! Where is "there" anyway?
It sure does take a long time to get "there".
Maybe, a more appropriate saying would be "Are we there yet?".
There is no "bulk" trash pickup days here. We had to order a dumpster. There was a lot of trash that the previous owners had left behind ie. rusted fence, carpet, beer-cans, glass, etc.. I understand (not condone) the concept of dumping on your property in the country but c'mon people... at least pick a spot! Luckily the sanitation company had "mini" dumpsters that were more fitting for our budget with a one-time delivery fee and a per-week charge vs. the endless fees, per diem charges and mileage + tonnage charges for the big ones. Hopefully 2 weeks will do.
The "Arbor has about a 8 foot section of ivy and wisteria roots and stumps left to go through.
The VW bus-sized pile of vines has been reduced to a VW beatle.
Future Hen House |
The Butterfly shed and the Coop have been "excavated". Both need the floors re-supported from being buried in dirt.(Check out my "projects" section for a cool paint program by Behr)
The out-buildings have been de-mossed.
The Wood shelter area has been cleaned out. Yes, that is part of the deck missing. We had a leaking faucet that turned out to be in need of a $350 professional repair. So, we removed the steps since they were in the way of the faucet and they were rickety anyway.
We have cleared an area for compost creation. (Now I am nervous about setting out the kitchen scraps in there because of the danger of attracting coyotes so close to where my hens will be living and black bears.) My neighbor (about a mile down the road) told me that just last year a bear stole his suet bird feeder that was in his back yard and a bear was spotted in his neighbor's garage nosing through the trash can. I really don't want to give them a reason to come that close to the house (about 50 feet from the house is the compost area).
The garden area has had a "hair-cut". All I need to do is get the vines out of there, mark off the areas for beds, load in some compost, get in a deer fence and I will be ready to go! Ugh, "all I need to do".
In comparison to what has been done so-far, it is really not that much left to do.
Hubby is working on "edging" the paths with logs that can't be cut up and used in the fireplace. Notice the nice clean roof that my hubby worked hard on. He also noticed insect damage. And that a roof replacement is needed. :-(
I am working on de-grassing the foundation and putting in a rock garden. I am pretty sure that that is bermuda in there - GRRRRRR...! If so, it is not as aggressive here as it was in TX.
Getting there.
At least the black-tail deer here won't eat Petunias :-)
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