Saturday, 21 May 2011
The home-stretch.
We stopped for a scenic overlook on the mighty Columbia River just before crossing over to the west side for a picnic lunch at the Ginkgo Fetrified Forest State Park.
We watched 2 films and saw the specimens in the interpretive center.
We finally made it!
We are being provided with a furnished apartment near the Puget sound while we wait for our our things to be transported. We will see how that goes. We sign on the house Monday morning.We ate dinner at a Red Robin near our apartment. Great burgers and fries at a good price with great service. I have been to this chain a few times at all different locations and it has been consistently good all around.
Day 7 mileage about 300
Expenses $85 (50 gas, 35 dinner)
Now we wanna see pic of the new house!!